Minut x Enso Connect: Double down on guest experience and home security

Today we’re proud to announce our latest integration with Enso Connect, a disruptive guest experience operating system designed to help you personalize and monetize interactions throughout the guest journey. Read on to learn more about how this integration can help you double down on guest experience and home security.
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June 20, 2023
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Minut x Enso Connect: Double down on guest experience and home security

Today we’re proud to announce our latest integration with Enso Connect, a disruptive guest experience operating system designed to help you personalize and monetize interactions throughout the guest journey.

With this powerful integration, you’ll now be able to improve guest experience, protect your property, and save on damage costs.

Protect your property while maximizing guest experience

Minut monitors decibel levels and alerts you when excessive noise is detected – so you can stop noise issues before they escalate. Once you’ve connected your Minut and Enso Connect apps through the Enso Connect dashboard, you’ll see a list of all the devices on your Minut account. This will allow you to check their battery levels and to view a log of previous events (such as noise or occupancy alerts). You’ll now be able to set up automated notifications and messages, so you and your guests can be alerted when noise or occupancy go above your pre-set threshold. 

Thanks to Enso Connect’s wide range of functionalities, you’ll be able to automate guest messaging via SMS, WhatsApp, or even Airbnb messages – which means your guests won’t ever miss a noise event notification! With Minut’s mission to make home sharing work for everyone and Enso Connect’s guest experience focus, you’ll unlock new ways of growing your business while protecting your property.

Save time and increase your productivity

Did you know that most noise issues could be solved in less than 15 minutes thanks to a friendly text message? Automated messages mean less time spent managing guests in your properties… and more time to focus on growing your business.

 The Enso Connect app keeps a log of all previous events – including the name of the guest in question. This means you have all the information you need to protect your property and community from excessive noise and unauthorized parties.