How to Add Team Members to Your Minut Account to Manage Smarter and Safer

We explain how adding team members to your Minut account brings improved security, customization and efficiency - for portfolios small and large.
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September 20, 2022
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How to Add Team Members to Your Minut Account to Manage Smarter and Safer

If you’re reading this article, you’re probably already familiar with Minut and what we do. Here’s a reminder, just in case:

At Minut, we help hosts and property managers protect their rentals by giving them access to instant insight from inside their property. It includes real-time sound level, occupancy, motion and temperature readings as well as alerts about potential noise and crowd risk.

We want to make monitoring a breeze, no matter the size of your portfolio. That’s why we have special team features that help distribute the load and make your account safer.

A graphic showing off the "Add member" screen

Top 3 reasons to add team members to your Minut organization

By adding team members to your Minut organization, you can make sure that the right people will get the right alerts at the right time.

1. Security first

This is a fairly obvious but sometimes overlooked point, so we thought we’d cover it first. Sharing passwords is never a good idea. When you add team members to your Minut organization, they each get their own Minut account and login details.

Teams are dynamic, and people’s roles change. By adding team members to your Minut organization, you can control who has access to which homes at all times, easily inviting new members and updating team permissions as your team evolves.

2. Customize the Minut app to different use cases

There’s no need for all team members to have the same access to all of the information in the Minut app. In fact, customizing access depending on the team member’s role makes for a better user experience.

For example, you can allow maintenance staff to install new sensors, but not add new homes. The effect for them would be a simpler app that minimizes the possibility of mistakes and helps them focus on their task.

Another example would be creating a custom home group for each area manager with only the homes they look after. This way, they would only see the alerts that are important to them, without having to sort through notifications for other areas.

3. Increase efficiency

Finally, by adding team members to your Minut organization, you increase efficiency. The admin will no longer need to monitor the Minut app and delegate the alerts to the appropriate person. When team members have access to the app, they can pick up on the notification themselves and act immediately. You’re cutting down response time and making management more efficient at the same time.

How does adding team members to your organization work?

You can add team members to your organization using the web and mobile apps. There are multiple access levels - from Organization-wide to individual homes - and multiple roles - from admin to team contact - to choose from. You can read more about the details here.

Lighten the load today

Having a team you can rely on makes hosting so much easier. Add your team members to the Minut app today to make protecting your properties a breeze too!

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