Unlocking new possibilities: Minut integrates with Streamline for smarter vacation rental management

Today, we're proud to announce we just integrated with Streamline, an all-in-one vacation rental software built for STR businesses looking to speed up their growth. Read on to learn more about how this integration can help you improve operational efficiency!
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August 24, 2023
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Unlocking new possibilities: Minut integrates with Streamline for smarter vacation rental management

Today, we’re thrilled to announce our integration with Streamline, an all-in-one vacation rental software for STR businesses looking to speed up their growth. Thanks to this powerful integration, you’ll be able to send automated messages to your guests to help them check in and out of your property easily, but also to ensure that they keep your property party-free and smoke-free (thanks to our Cigarette detection feature). You can learn more about Minut and the importance of using a noise monitoring device for home here

Effortless guest management and home security

With Minut, you can instantly reach out to your guests through Streamline to help them check in and out of your property or to remind them of your property rules when need be. After you’ve connected both apps, Minut will begin gathering data from Streamline so it can reach out to your guests on your behalf and save you time – which you can focus on growing your short-term rental business. As soon as Minut detects excessive noise, occupancy, or cigarette smoke in your short-term rental property, it will alert you and/or your guests so you can nip the issue in the bud. You can learn more about our recently launched Cigarette detection feature through this blog post.

While our noise monitoring and automation features act as a security foundation for your business, the integration with Streamline adds a layer of connectivity that makes protecting your property easier than ever.

Protect your property, boost efficiency

Using a noise monitoring device for home can help you save great amounts on property damage. But did you know that a simple text message was all you needed to solve most noise issues in your vacation rental properties? Our integration with Streamline ensures that communication flows at the speed of light between you and your guests. You’ll rest assured knowing that we’ll handle all noise and occupancy issues as soon as they’re detected by our sensor.

Similarly, with our new Cigarette detection feature, we’ll make sure you get notified when guests attempt to smoke in your property so you can protect your home and community and keep problematic guests away from your premises. Thanks to Minut’s highly sensitive and reactive noise, occupancy, and cigarette detection systems and Streamline’s top-notch communication and management tools, you’ll be able to save a great deal of time and resources while optimizing operational efficiency.

Seamless setup for immediate results 

If you’re looking to speed up the growth of your vacation rental business, Streamline might be just what you need. All you have to do is connect both apps!

Do you already have Minut and Streamline accounts? If so, you can get started in minutes. Here’s how to proceed:

  • Go to the Integrations tab in the Minut web app. 
  • Select Streamline under ‘Property management systems.
  • Click on ‘Connect’. You’re all set!

For more detailed instructions, read our Support article.

Pair your Streamline and Minut accounts today to benefit from the best property management and home security tools available – and stay one step ahead of the STR game!

vacation rental management noise alarm demo